here are lots of different dishes that a visitor can taste in Evros. More specifically, Samothraki as well as Alexandroupolis are famous of their seafood, which include fish, octopuses, cuttlefish, sun-burnt shrimps and ostracea.

t Feres you can taste river fish and eels on barbecue. On the north side, at Soufli ask for native traditional sausages while at Orestiada don’t forget to taste the traditional "kavourma". At Samothraki ask to taste stuffed goat, the cream cheese, the honey, the gogovrasto and the madi.

inally, all over the County you can taste tripe in different flavors: Abdomen, legs, calf head, as well as the traditional dish of Evros, "lahania" which means casserole cabbage with pork meat and sausage.