lexandroupolis, capital of the county of Evros, is built on the southern section above the sea. Although the area has primeval history, the city is modern and we can virtually say that it was founded in 1850 when some of the fishermen created a small settlement on the area of today’s Alexandroupolis.

The city, thanks to its position, as it was the crossroads between Salonica and Constatinople and an exit to the sea of Bulgaria and Russia became the center of the transport commerce.

ts cultural and social life was rich, commerce offered status and economic comfort to the residents and the spiritual level was high. All these were destroyed after the Balkan Wars of 1912-13.

he residents had to leave, abandoning their belongings and the land where they had been born at the mercy of the intruders. Luckily, with the treaties that were signed after the ending of the war (treaty of Neuilly, treaty of Sevres), west Thraka was returned to Greece and the attempt of recapturing the lost glory began.
owadays, Alexandroupolis is a modern city, tidied up, with modern street layout, newly built buildings, liveliness and interesting activities.

Trademark of the town is its Lighthouse which was constructed by the French company of "Lighthouses and Lamps" and started operating on June 1st 1880. It runs with electricity and in case of a cutoff with acetylene. It is one of the highest lighthouses in Greece, with a 27 meter height and a visibility arc of 23 miles.

mong the city’s building that give the tone of the capital and the most important center of the County is the Judicial Manor, the Prefecture, the Zarifeios Pedagogic Academy which is the oldest foundation of Thraka since it has been functioning since 1875.

he functioning of the Collection of archaeophiles, the Ecclesiastic Museum, the Museum of Flora and Fauna, the Folklore Museum attract man tourists who are interested in meeting the history and the rich cultural inheritance of Evros.

he coastal road of the city constitutes the favourite walk of the natives as well as the visitors throughout the year.

A great number of music halls and night clubs (restaurants, ouzeris, taverns, bars) invites walkers to make a stop and try the delicious dishes offered. Also, the touristic kiosk in the Egnatia park, that looks like it’s emerging out of lake full of geese, ducks and fish, is an attraction for many visitors.

ne of the excursions to a close distance from Alexandroupolis, is the visiting of the city of Feres with the famous Church of Panagia the Kosmosotira. Also, on the east of Alexandroupolis there are the shores of the south section of the County, like Makri and Agia Paraskevi-Mesimvria.