Landing Charges: |
The landing charges are assessed on the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft expressed in metric tons accoding to the following table:
Up to 10: 11,50 EURO (All weights)
Over 10 to 25: 11,50 EURO (1,14/ton)
Over 25 to 50: 28,70 EURO (1,43/ton)
Over 50 to 65: 64,42 EURO (1,61/ton)
Over 65 to 80: 88,83 EURO (1,64/ton)
Over 80 to 150: 113,49 EURO (1,61/ton)
OVER 150 to 300: 208,87 EURO (1,64/ton)
Landing Charges for private aircraft registered in a state member of the European Union : |
Provided that its weight does not exceed 5,7 tons Landing Charges assessed according to the following table:
Up to 2 tons 2,93 EURO
Over 2 to 5,7 tons 5,87 EURO
Rules on Landing Charges: |
Charges impose as above are increased by 40% for landing and/or take off during night. (Night is considered the period between 30mns after sunset and 30 mns before sunrise.
During the months June to September landing performed between 1100 hours and 170000 hours LT (peak period) are charged additionally 25% of the standard day landing charges.
Charges in EURO
Up to 10:
Over 10 to 50:
Over 50 to 100:
Over 100 to 200:
Over 200 tons:
C = 0,28 per parking hour (all weights)
C = WxTx0,027
C = WxTx0,034
C = WxTx0,041
C= WxTx0,048
Explanation Symbols: |
C = Parking charge to be levied
W = M.T.O.W
T = The number of hours, in excess of 2
hours, that the aircraft remained
parked counted immediately after
landing time.
All civil acft owned by recognized Aero clubs resident in a state member of the European Union provided that their weight does not exceed 5,7 tons.