t Makri of Alexandroupolis, above the picturesque small port of Platanos and at an elevation of 48m. above the sea, stands the cave of the Cyclop Polyphemus, as named by the natives. In its entrance, an open and flat place is formed, from where one can enjoy the view of the coastline of Alexandroupolis, the mountains of Ismari and especially Samothraki, which is almost 25 miles away from this location. In front of the entrance, there are large natural boulders which folk imagination has connected with the rocks that Cyclop Polyphemus threw to the ship of Ulysses.

he cave has two spacious chambers, with interesting stalactite décor, and a third one on the second floor. Access to the above floor can be found through a narrow hole on the right wall of the entrance, above a carved niche, which indicates Christian worship to the site of the cave. An exploration by the Speleological Society in 1970, has shown that the chamber of the upper floor has an earthen ground of good thickness, which someway must be connected with its use during the ancient times.

rchaeological traces of the Neolithic right until the Byzantine era have also been discovered on the ground chambers, and they are connected with the Neolithic settlement and the settlement of the classical-Roman years in Touba, above the cave. Also, a small archaeological research which took place in 1992 revealed a lime wall of the Byzantine era. Artful carvings are situated in the around area of the cave, and most probably regard constructions for the service of the worshipping which took place in its interior.