t the crossroads of the marine and terrestrial roads of the East with the West, there that the last lines of Rodope meet with Evros, the river of the borders, and the Thrakan Sea meets with the imperious Samothraki, nature has, for centuries now, been creating ecosystems of unique beauty and importance. Coastal zones, water grounds, rivers and creeks, woody mountains, grasslands and plains coexist in a unique composition of generous nature.

The impressive biodiversity in this Greek corner, one of a kind in Europe, is so due to its geographical position in combination with the climatologic conditions, the anaglyph of the area and the benign human-caused impacts.

From Samothraki and the highest mountaintop named Feggari (1641 m.) and the coastlines of Evros until the northern borders of the County, one can meet almost all the kinds of European vegetation, from psychro-lived forests till Mediterranean macia. Some of these species are very rare, like the Eriolobus trilobatus bush and the Salix xanthicola willow, while the extension of other species is exclusively limited to Evros, like Minuartia (Minuartia greuteriana).
t the extended forests of Evros and the canyons, at the gullies and the valleys, at water grounds, at big or small rivers that cross the County, many species of wild fauna, unique in Greece and Europe too, seek refugee. Species such as the wolf, the jackal, the tiger cat, the wild boar, the roe deer, the "vidra", and at accidental appearances, on the mountainous side of the County, the brown bear.
The peak of this creative composition, is the Forest of Dadia and the Delta of Evros, biotopes universally known for their ornithological and ecological value. Both these biotopes are protected by the international and Greek legislation.
he river Evros, with a total length of 530 km., 204 of which belong in Greek ground, is one of the biggest rivers of the Balkan peninsula. It flows from the Rila mountain line, the ancient Skomio, close to Bulgaria’s Sofia.

Flowing southeastward, it enters Greece and represents its natural border with Bulgaria and Turkey. It extrudes to the Thrakan Sea, creating the homonymous delta at the shores. Ardas, Erythropotamos, Diavolorema, Kamilopotamos, Megalo Rema are some of the greatest branches of Evros in its Greek section.

hile in the County of Evros, worth-visiting sites include:
  • The area of Potamos-Cave of Agioi Theodoroi and the canyon of Avandas.
  • The route of Alexandroupolis-Kirki-Sykorrahi.
  • The river of Ardas on northern Evros.
  • Eythropotamos on Mikros Dereios and the route of Mandra-M. Dereios-Kallithea-Leptokarya-Aisymi-Alexandroupolis.
  • The route of Loutro-Pessani-Dadia.
  • The villages of Evros near the branches, where important sections of hydric vegetation exist.