Note: Here you can find most of the information relating to Alexandroupolis airport which is currently published in the AIP GREECE.This information may not be accurate or current and is not valid for navigation, flight planning, or for use in flight. Always consult the official publications for current and correct information. Check NOTAMS before flying. No warranty of fitness for any purpose is made or implied. If you find errors in the information provided, please report them.

ARP coordinates and site at AD:

405121N 255722E (middle of RWY)
Direction and distance from city: 079º, 3,5 NM from Alexandroupolis
Elevation/Reference temperature:

    7.34 M (24ft) / 31º C

MAG VAR/Annual change: 3º 24' (Jenuary 2000)
Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR):


       Civil Aviation Administration

       Dimokritos Airport

Tel: +30


Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR): IFR/VFR



© Alexandroupolis Airport - Workers Society Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority
Development - Webmaster: Tsiftsidis Georgios