he region of Evros has been inhabited ever since the Paleolithic Era (10.000 - 7.000 B.C.) as proclaimed by the stone tools which were discovered on the surface, close to Ardas and Evros rivers. Human presence continues to exist in the Neolithic Era (5.500 - 3.000 B.C.) in the era, and during the Era of Copper (3.000 - 1.050) contacts with habitants outside Thraka are observed - specifically, the excavation in the region Mikro Vouni of Samothraki, shows commercial contacts with Minoans.
n the end of the prehistoric years, at the Early Era of Iron, the first protected "acropolis" and megalithic monuments make their appearance. During this era the "Bouva" cave must have been used, close to Didymotiho, as samples of Thrakan pottery and shells were found in its interior. The carved tomb in Nipsa, the drawings on the walls and the Dolmens in Roussa, a variety of outdoors temples, like in Avandas, and citadels like Kavisos and Koila date back to the end of the prehistoric era.