n the west side of the central zone of the County of Evros, on the mountainous section of the mountain line of Rodope - close to the borders with Bulgaria, live about 1000 Pomakoi in small villages and settlements. Generally, Pomakoi of Thraka are a closed, self-sufficient community which speaks a dialect of Slavic physiognomy while at religion they are Muslims. However, the latest researches have traced strong Greek elements in their language and deep Christian roots at their civilization.
So we have to admit that it was a Greek local phylum-team which during its history was turned into Slavic and was later islamized. Pomakoi in particular connect with the ancient Thrakans and more specifically with the phylum of Agrianoi. This memory of their origins is kept at the toponym Agriani, which is the name of a Pomakian village of the community of Didymotiho.
heir communities are worth visiting (for example, Roussa, Goniko, Mesimeri, Sidirohori, Mega Dereio, Leptokarya etc.) to admire the traditional architecture and urban design of the settlements. At the houses, stone dominates as a material while roofs are covered with larks. The space organizing also presents a singularity in a Pomakian village. The houses are separated in teams of relational districts and the area among the houses is used for gardening cultivation. Today, Pomakoi live mainly by cultivating smoke and woodcutting.